Saturday, March 29, 2008

Why Is SBTB So Awesome?

Saved By The Bell rocks! I went ahead and stole this from Mindi's blog.. Check out this video I laughed pretty hard, and you will too.


Kyle said...

Just think of the incredible things that each of these actors went on to become. Jessie starred in "Showgirls", Kelly transformed into the sultry Valerie Malone on 90210, and Slater became a Miss America Host/Dancing with the Stars Contestant.

Buddy Bands do work!!

Aimee said...

Thanks for looking at my blog! I'll keep up with you now too.

Loved SBTB. I still stop on channels when Mario Lopez is on just because of the good ol' days.

Haley said...

Wow. Look at those dance moves. I'd better keep this video on hand...just incase. I remember when you posted Owen working out with Spencer to that exercise video and I'm thinking that this video would probably provide a much better workout, not to mention some mad skills on the dance floor. Hope all is well, your babies are both adorable.

Mindi said...

sbtb is so awesome just because they invented awesome--i am glad you stole it, as i stole it from someone, too--that's the beauty of blogging!
your little guy was adorable the other day. i think you should make it a weekly thing to come with us to lunch!

Cicely said...

I'm so excited!! I'm so.... scared!
-Jessie to Zach when she is popping speed.

Allison said...

she was on caffeine pills, not speed. get your facts straight!

Cicely said...
