Thursday, April 24, 2008

Look Who's Gangsta

I found a baby picture of me that I thought looked so much like Eli. So I recreated it, and here are the results......

me 1982

Eli 2008

Yeah, not so much, but trust me in real life when you are holding him, he looks like me, I promise!

Owen also wanted in on the action. He looks 6 years old in this picture. Everyone said once you have another baby, the older child will look SO much older to you. I now believe them.

Owen 2008


Mindi said...

now all that baby needs is to be throwing down the "wessssiiiiide" symbol and you are all set.
love that you thought to re-create that. genius, allison

cblakes said...

It's also interesting to see how couch cushions have improved over the years.

Spencer Davis said...

That picture of Owen is just wierd. He looks so tall and skinny.

I am also impressed with couch techmology improvements. Nice observation cBlakes

3703 said...

I think camera tricks have been performed, its just perspective, if he was on a bigger couch he would look smaller.

Also, Owen has never been six so how would you know what he looks like at that age?

Who does your apholstering?

Anna said...

I vividly remember that picture of you being taken. I think I even remember what it smelled like.

Anonymous said...

Oh look how cute you used to be. What happened?

Marcie said...

Love Sergio in the crib with Owen! Hugs to you all!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big Owen is. His curly hair is so cute!

PS...that other kid of yours gave me shoulder problems for two days after holding his fat lil' butt.

Dang you make cute kids!