Monday, November 30, 2009

Real Cranberry Juice

So Spencer decided to make real Cranberry sauce this year for Thanksgiving, which required 1/4 a cup of real cranberry juice (as oppose to Cranberry cocktail that we normally drink.) There ended up being a lot of juice left over. After daring each other to try it, we had a little fun with Eli, he will after all eat ANYTHING. I really think it is weird that he keeps going back more, what a little weirdo!


Camille Kemp said...

Ah Deja Vu. Have you seen the video of Nina trying bananas for the first time as a baby. It is about identical to this vid. You can hear all of us laughing in the background as well.

Kateenie said...

I must say, Owen has the most adorable laugh in all of the land.

Lindsey said...


Christina said...

i'm so jealous. bridget won't try anything even once, let alone keep trying after she didn't like it the first time. also he is much much better with a real cup than bridget is and he is quite a bit younger. she would have had that juice spilled all over the place.

Sabrena said...

Danny and I watched the first 4 seconds of this video 5 times-- LOVE it!

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

Um yeah. we just watched it... again.

Granny T said...

O My Stars that was hysterical.

Lats & Megs said...

You guys are sick parents...