Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Party 2009

Thanks to everyone who showed up to the Halloween party this year.  To everyone who didn't, swine flu or not, you missed out big time.  We'll see if you make the guest list next year... 

Here are pictures of everyone who came.  Sorry Lameroux's we forgot to get a picture of you guys, try getting there maybe an hour and a half earlier next time, and you might get one!  

Allison & Spencer                 Eli & Owen
                        (CATS)               (DJ Lance, and Spiderman)

Kyle and Haley
(Dancing with the Stars)

Anna, Rob & Grey

Cassandra and Wade

Lindsey & Scott
(Juno & Polly Bleeker)

TJ and Alex
(balloon boy and balloon)

(Wicked witch of the west)

Scott and Anna
(the martians)

Judd and Emily
(Kim Jung il, and Marilyn Monroe) 

Nate & Sarah
(Swine Flu)

Metals Ceremony


Cicely said...

I'm so pissed I wasn't there. We have our costumes ready for the party in 2012-2016 (depending on where David does residency).

Cassandra looks good. I think she deserved a metal just for fitting into those shorts.

ps. I really want you to want us to be there, because I swear it would be more fun if we were. Tell me I'm right.

Cicely said...

Also, your costumes are awesome. Is that a patch of fur over Spencer's dinglewomp?

Christina said...

everyone looks great. i wish we could have been there, but our creativity would never stack up against any of those costumes. i looked over them a few times to see if maybe we wouldn't have been the worst, but we would have. for sure. and i also noticed that there was a conveniently placed patch of hair on spencer's costume. very funny :)

i'm excited to maybe see you soon though?! and i will bring the tom petty cd for sure. i don't have a bubble envelope to send it in and i keep forgetting to get one, that's why i haven't mailed it yet. i suck.

Allison said...

Yeah after that "dinglewomp" comment I am so pissed the Cains were not there too! It definatly would have been more fun with a slice of Cicely.

Yeah that is not fur, but beautifully crafted acrylic paint made to look like fur, per his request, over the crotch region.

Christina, stop hiding behind the not creative enough lable. If that is really the case, make Josh do it. He is creative,right? but I think you're full of crap, and just a little intimidated by how hot we look in skin tight clothing! I will contact you soon about hanging, Can't wait!!!

Camille Kemp said...

Okay, I just noticed that Nate is wearing bunny ears. NOW I am confused. P.S. I was not a wicked witch and Juddy's date Emily was not Marilyn Monroe. Nice party host you are.